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The Potato Taco Quest!

Every day I learn new things about the wonderful world of food!  Potato Tacos are my newest discovery!  My vegetarian daughter challenged me to turn Taco Tuesday into Potato Taco Tuesday – just for her.   Now, I have to admit, my first thought was potatoes…  in a taco…?  Really?

So I did a bit of research.

Tacos de Papa is a real thing!  No, really!  Stop laughing at me.  IMPERFECT Kitchen, remember?  I don’t know it all (yet).  I can honestly say, I’ve never had a potato taco in my whole life – and that’s a pretty long time!  I love fish tacos, but potato tacos? Here is a picture I found at www.thekitchn.com.   Doesn’t it look good?

After reading all the different recipes and variations online, I feel cheated!  I need to have a potato taco!  I need to MAKE a potato taco.  But first, I need a recipe.  Any suggestions?