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A Culinary Bucket List for 2013

For the past two years, Samantha at The Little Ferraro Kitchen has created a culinary bucket list. I think this is a fabulous idea! It made me wonder… what do I want to accomplish in MY kitchen this year? How can I push myself out of my comfort zone and become a better cook? I’ve spent the last few days pouring over cookbooks and blogs, putting a few ideas to paper!

So here we go! In no particular order, my Culinary Bucket List for 2013:

Master the Five Mother Sauces (with the help of Julia Child and a few of my Chef friends!) Bechamel, Veloute, Espagnole, Hollandaise and Tomato Sauces, here I come!

Hot and Sour Soup The ultimate comfort food when I am feeling sick. I’ve got to learn how to make this myself!

Creme Brûlée This might have something to do with the mini kitchen torch I got for Christmas. Doesn’t every girl needs her own blow torch AND a reason to use it? 😉

Standing Rib Roast with Yorkshire Pudding A favorite from my childhood and an excuse to finally use the popover pan I bought several months ago!

Lava Cake


Seafood Paella

Eggs Perfected technique in every way! Baked, shirred, poached, soft-boiled, scrambled, hard-boiled, fried, over-easy, rolled omelette (Julia’s way!), custards etc.

Homemade dressings/marinades/pickles/condiments We are trying to break away from store-bought cans and bottles. I am really looking forward to the challenge of how to do this permanently (and deliciously!)

Homemade sausages Breakfast, Chorizo, Italian… Mmmm!

Springerle Cookies I know! It’s hard to believe there is a cookie out there I HAVEN’T made, but here it is. I will find a fun mold and make them this year!

And as a side note:
Improve my Knife Skills What did Chefs do before food processors? Does it make me a kitchen nerd to want to learn all the spiffy techniques and proper cuts the old-fashioned way?

I’d love suggestions from all my foodie friends too. What would YOU like to see me make? Challenge me! Let me know in the comments or on Facebook which things are on your culinary list. Let’s learn together this year!